From the course: Digital Sustainability: How to Reduce Your Digital Footprint

How to measure the time of use of digital services

From the course: Digital Sustainability: How to Reduce Your Digital Footprint

How to measure the time of use of digital services

- Are you aware of how many hours you spend in front of your mobile phone or computer when using Google, YouTube, social media, Spotify, and how much carbon dioxide you generate by doing so? If you don't know yet, you can do this. Write down, day by day, for a week what devices and apps you use and for how long. Which device is it? How long is it plugin and on standby? Time of actual use and how much of that time for leisure? How much productive time which you can further divide into time working or generating income and time helping someone or making a positive impact on society? You can time your activities and also use tools and apps such as Screen Time for iOS, Quality Time for Android, and Rescue Time for desktop computers. Once you have all the information analyze: Which device do you use the most? Which app do you use the most? What are the three apps you use the most? How many hours per day do you use each one? How many hours per week? How many hours per month, and per year, and in 10 years? Once you know your habits, you can take steps to reduce your device usage time. For example, you can consciously schedule how much time per day you will use them, and you can control the time of use by limiting access from the settings of each application or device. Now, you can download and use the exercise file that I have left you to write down your actual time spending online and your desired future time spending. I am sure you will be surprised with the results.
