From the course: Digital Sustainability: How to Reduce Your Digital Footprint

Implement your digital impact reduction plan

From the course: Digital Sustainability: How to Reduce Your Digital Footprint

Implement your digital impact reduction plan

- Once you know the goals you want to achieve to reduce your digital carbon footprint, you need to think about concrete actions to help you reach them. For instance, if your goal is to reduce your digital usage by a certain percentage, or limit your usage to a certain number of hours per day, here are some ideas for activities you can take. Set the time limit for yourself for using the internet for work. Set the time limit for yourself for using the internet for socializing all leisure activities such as playing games, watching movies, and more. When you are connected to the internet or using digital devices, be mindful of how much time you are spending and set alarms to remind yourself when it's time to disconnect. For example, since I'm trying to reduce the number of conversations and files that I have on WhatsApp, I delete messages and files from groups weekly and do the same for individual conversation each month. I also set the app not to save images and videos automatically on my phone. I put together an exercise file with some more ideas to reduce your carbon footprint. Go ahead and download that now if you haven't already. Then pick the activities that work best for you and your lifestyle.
