From the course: Digital Sustainability: How to Reduce Your Digital Footprint

Influence others by sharing your results and best practices

From the course: Digital Sustainability: How to Reduce Your Digital Footprint

Influence others by sharing your results and best practices

- Once you have implemented your plan to reduce your digital footprint and seen the first result of your efforts, it is time to share your experience with your peers, family, friends, and colleagues. Doing so will bring your contribution to reducing digital carbon footprint and caring for the environment to the next level. By sharing the experience and encouraging others to join the digital cleanups, you can help raise awareness about the issue and start the discussion in society about how we can address the problem of pollution and invisible digital waste. Remember, it is only through the collective action of thousand of people that we can make a significant reduction in digital carbon footprint and have a positive impact on the planet. Think now about how you can spread the word about reducing our digital carbon footprint. Maybe a social media post or meeting with your friends. Try to share your experience with as many people as you can and ask them to do the same. You are contributing to a better and digitally sustainable world.
