From the course: Digital Sustainability: How to Reduce Your Digital Footprint

Make changes in your workplace

- Your workplace is where you spend the most time with one of your core constituencies, your colleagues and leaders. It is likely that it is with them that you spend the most time connected and generate the most digital waste. Therefore, it is key to dedicate special time and attention to this group, so that together you can reduce your digital footprint as much as possible. But where do you start? Talk to your leader. Let that person know about your concern for eliminating digital waste and reducing the digital carbon footprint. Mention the importance of getting the whole organization on board. Agree with your leader to share the idea with the technology, sustainability and human resources teams to spread it across the organization. Many organizations, especially larger ones, have sustainability or social responsibility reports which include the organization's impact on its carbon footprint. Proposing to include a section that shows how the organization is contributing to the reduction of the digital carbon footprint is likely to be an attractive option to the company. If it's not possible to introduce the idea to the whole organization, you can start by doing something in your team or your area and then share the results with everyone else. That way, you will let more colleague excited to join the campaign. Begin by holding a meeting to introduce and raise awareness about the issue. Then you can hold the workshop to decide on objectives and activities to achieve them and system for measuring and reporting the results and impact. You can share the results with other areas of the company to motivate them to join and to start doing something for the planet as well. Start motivating your colleagues to further reduce the planet's digital carbon footprint as soon as possible.
