From the course: Digital Sustainability: How to Reduce Your Digital Footprint

Responsible use of digital assets to reduce carbon footprint

From the course: Digital Sustainability: How to Reduce Your Digital Footprint

Responsible use of digital assets to reduce carbon footprint

- In order to preserve and protect the planet natural resources while using technology, we need to make a conscious and responsible use of those technologies. This means taking the time to understand how technologies that we use daily can negatively impact environment and taking action to mitigate this impact. Making a conscious use means acting and making decisions based on knowledge and awareness not just on impulse, emotions or what seems logical. A responsible use means using resources safely, efficiently and respectfully. Do you want to join me and start avoiding negative effects of your digital actions on the environment? Then it's key that you start making a conscious and responsible use of the digital world focusing on reducing the tangible and intangible digital waste that you create when you perform digital actions. All the devices and infrastructures such as computers, phones, and smartwatches, as well as data centers that we normally use are the tangible digital assets as we can clearly see them physically. Whereas intangible digital assets include data, document, images, software, applications, online resources, social media accounts, websites, and mobile applications that we only see in the digital space and not in our physical world. Reducing and eliminating both tangible and intangible digital waste will be the key to reducing the digital carbon footprint. Let's see what it's all about.
