From the course: Digital Sustainability: How to Reduce Your Digital Footprint

The impact of device use on the carbon footprint

From the course: Digital Sustainability: How to Reduce Your Digital Footprint

The impact of device use on the carbon footprint

- Using digital devices has an environmental impact, even though we don't see it or may not be aware of it. When we use the internet and digital applications we are generating data and information which is processed, stored, and transmitted through the cloud. For the cloud to work, data centers are needed, which are special facilities designed to collect, store, and process large amounts of information. They also need equipment to cool and maintain temperature-controlled environment. Additionally, we need devices like computers, smartphones, tablets, and routers to access the digital world. Ultimately, these devices will become digital waste, either when they become obsolete or when we want new ones, resulting in tons of waste every year. So it is important to start reducing our digital waste as soon as possible to maintain a healthy environment. You can start by recycling, reusing, and donating electronic equipment to institutions who can help reduce digital waste. This might look like buying devices with a long lifespan that can be updated, buying devices with technologies for efficient energy consumption, buying devices with repair options, and avoiding devices containing harmful chemicals. Have you ever tried any of these recommendations before? Now you can share your experience or future steps in the Q&A section of this course.
