From the course: Digital Transformation Tips

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Build audience-appropriate communications for better message penetration

Build audience-appropriate communications for better message penetration

From the course: Digital Transformation Tips

Build audience-appropriate communications for better message penetration

- [Narrator] A critical piece of any successful project plan is communications. You need to share information with the people engaged in the transformation either active participants or those who will be affected by the end results. So what information do you need to share with them? And when will it be the right time to share or reinforce messages? These are all important considerations for program success and this is the reason you want to spend some time understanding the various affected audiences and building out personas to help you do that. If you have a grasp on the needs and motivation of people, you can start developing a communications plan that will address those in language and delivery that will be appropriate for them. So let's look at that finance team that we've been using as a an example again. We've already determined that they're going to need to be trained with the new tools, plus, they're going to…
