From the course: Digital Transformation Tips

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Measuring your digital transformation against metrics

Measuring your digital transformation against metrics

From the course: Digital Transformation Tips

Measuring your digital transformation against metrics

- [Narrator] Something that I think is an important concept to understand, your transformation continues long after the launch event. Transformation is a sustained and continual effort. So it's important to know how your transformation efforts are doing, and the way to do that is by monitoring your progress against specific metrics. Earlier in the course, I suggested that you develop measurable goals that you could point to when talking about the program with leaders or participants. We're going to cut processing time by 50%, and that's pretty accurate, although you do have to make sure that you've accurately quantified what the processing time was before the transformation. Talking dollars, like we'll be able to save $20,000 per quarter on subcontractor fees, is even less ambiguous. What you need to do is develop key performance indicators, or KPIs, that make sense to your business and to the changes you made during your…
