From the course: Diversity Recruiting
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Web-based branding
From the course: Diversity Recruiting
Web-based branding
- Regardless of company size you should definitely have a web presence. If you don't have a website that can, at the bare minimum, identify who you are and what you do, you've got bigger issues than lack of diversity in your recruitment process. In 1995, when I was working for a small law firm I was able to create a web presence for them. If I could do that back then, you've got no excuse today, especially when you can create your own company page on LinkedIn, which you can use to attract candidates by posting jobs, articles, videos, and other information. Your web presence is so important because candidates will look you up. It is your introduction to professionals who may want to work for your company and it tells them a lot of things about you. "You" being your company. The saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" continues to be true in this current digital age. Take a look at your executive team. Do all the…
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