From the course: .NET MAUI for Beginners

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.NET MAUI data binding with MVVM and XAML

.NET MAUI data binding with MVVM and XAML - .NET MAUI Tutorial

From the course: .NET MAUI for Beginners

.NET MAUI data binding with MVVM and XAML

Welcome back to another .NET MAUI Beginner Series video. I'm James Montemagno, a Product Manager on the developer community team here at Microsoft. And today, what we're going to do is continue our journey of building native cross-platform, desktop and mobile apps with .NET MAUI. Now, previously we started to build out our user interface with XAML, an XML based markup language. And now what we're going to do is we're going to extend that user interface and make it responsive and reactive using MVVM or model view view model. This architecture pattern is very popular when you're developing applications with XAML because it enables a data binding a way for your user interface to respond to your code behind and vice versa. It's sort of a way of managing your your control and flow of data. Your view just knows how to display data. There's a button, there's a label, there's an entry. Your view model you can think of it as code behind, but completely decoupled. And what it is representing is…
