From the course: Drum Mixing: Techniques

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What is groove?

What is groove?

- Now that we've figured out where all the microphones are gonna be panned, it's time to get down to real sounds. Now I'm gonna go through again from bottom to top, kick to overheads, etcetera and get some really detailed, slamming sounds. While I'm doing that, we're also gonna be focusing on the balance of the drum kit and finding the groove in the kit. Now that we have these tight mics and we have these ambient mics and overhead mics, we have to find a combination of these things that are really gonna make the drums feel like they're grooving along and just driving the track. It's important to find that and find the relationship between these mics. The smallest difference in level and pan, and even EQ can make a difference in how you perceive the groove from the drummer. He might be all over the pace in the hi-hat you might have to tame that a little bit, dynamically so you hear every single hit. Sometimes if you can hear every single hit of the hi-hat, for example, you can crush…
