From the course: Electric Bass Lesson: Fundamentals

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Playing in different styles

Playing in different styles

- So, all these basic techniques I'm showing you fit with any style, no matter what your type of music you're into. Whether it's country, hard rock, heavy metal, even electronic, techno, things like that. Bass fits in all those, and there is bass in all of them. Some of it's electronic, some of them six string, some of it's whatever, but all of these techniques fit in all those things. So, if you're playing country and western. (country bass tune) All your plucking techniques fit exactly as they would in any other type. Or just plain rock. (rock bass tune) Or some heavy metal thing where you're, (heavy metal bass tune) pedaling fast. It's a good idea to listen to the style of music that you love and listen to what the bass player's doing in it and see how he's treating all these basic things. He's plucking with his right hand, somehow, or slapping, and fingering with his left hand, somehow, and it does fit in. So, I really have to recommend for you to listen to the music you love and…
