From the course: Electric Bass Lesson: Fundamentals

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- Music has two elements: time and melody. Here's a little bit about time. Time is very important. That's the thing that locks you together with everyone else in sequence. A bass player's relationship to the drummer is very, very important. It's the most important relationship, I think, between two instruments within a band because it lays down the rhythm section and the foundation, it's very important. So, the basics on understanding time is for you to be able to stay in time and have that time in sync with the other musicians you're playing with. I urge people to get a record, sit down, and play with it, and listen to how the bass player and drummer work together. Some basic, simple record, some song you love; sit down and learn, and listen. Listen to these guys and how they're doing and how they're fitting it together. Most musicians I know can keep time on their own. They can just start, you know, go one, two, three, four, and they can keep that rhythm without speeding up or…
