From the course: Electrical Systems: Communications and Data

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Copper data systems connectivity

Copper data systems connectivity

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to talk about the pieces of material and equipment that are accessories to copper cables and conductors. The term conductivity refers to the equipment that attaches to the ends of the cable and the data equipment that it is actively sending and receiving to. In the previous lesson, we learned that there are many types of conductors and cables made out of copper and they have many uses. The same can be said for conductivity. First and most importantly, are jacks and plugs. These are terms used to describe the plastic or metal housing that converts the conductors into a usable modular format with common pins or conductor sleeves. In these Jacks and plugs, the cable conductors are connected to the metallic contacts. This process is sometimes called a punch down because of impact tools used to make a solid connection. This connection can easily be connected and disconnected from…
