From the course: Electrical Systems: Communications and Data

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Data systems equipment room fittings

Data systems equipment room fittings

- [Instructor] The communications and data systems industry uses specialized and unique terminology. The term equipment room fittings is commonly used to describe the hardware used in a centralized location that consolidates the cables and sometimes has the data processing equipment. First and most important are racks; wall and floor racks. They're usually made out of metal, and passive and active equipment such as patch panels, switches, termination housings and even power management components are installed in them. Racks provide a manner to locate this equipment together so they can work together. Cabinets are another piece of equipment room fittings. They're similar to racks. Cabinets also provide a manner to locate equipment. They are partially or fully enclosed and they provide physical and sometimes environmental protection for the equipment inside. Here's a floor cabinet and a wall cabinet. A demarcation enclosure.…
