From the course: Electrical Systems: Communications and Data

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Design and layout considerations

Design and layout considerations

- [Instructor] In order for owners and designers to decide what type of system they should put in place, they must take into account many factors that can influence the installation and serviceability of the system. Will the system last? Is it affordable? Will it carry the amount of information that I need? The investment in quality of the materials for a small retail comic book store is going to look a lot different from that of a critical telecommunications data center. The first thing to consider is the type of communications being used whether it's voice or data or other signals. You see, a system could be a simple phone or intercom system, a computer data system in an office building, a multi-building instrumentation system transmitting sensitive infrastructure information, or even a system that handles huge amounts of data such as high-quality video and audio used for broadcasting. Once the purpose is clear, think…
