From the course: Electrical Systems: Communications and Data

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Installing and testing

Installing and testing

- [Instructor] Because copper base cables are sometimes expensive, and certainly delicate, there are guidelines and rules to handling them, installing them and terminating them. Copper cables should be selected by an individual who has experience in determining what type of cable should be used, based on the length of the installation, the amount of information being transmitted over the cable, and certainly the cost or budget of the installation. An installer may choose to use a more expensive and scalable cable due to the fact that installation is difficult, and reinstallation may not be possible at all. Care should be taken not to damage a cable, or install it in such a way that will inhibit its performance. Sharpens or a damaged cable may adversely affect the cables performance. Keep in mind that some communications cables rely on a specific construction of two twisted copper conductors. If these conductors become…
