From the course: Electrical Systems: Communications and Data

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Installing fiber-optic systems

Installing fiber-optic systems

- [Instructor] Because fiber strands and cables differ from copper cables in the way that they work and are constructed, there are some different rules and guidelines used to installing them. First of all, fiber strands and cables are impervious to electrical magnetic forces or EMFs. So fiber optics can be installed alongside EMF sources such as the buildings AC cables and feeders electronic EMF sources, such as computers or light fixture pallets, and even other magnetic equipment like medical magnetic equipment. Fiber optic cable depending on its construction is usually much more fragile than copper based cables. So care must be taken when handling, unpacking, pulling and fastening in place fiber cables. The use of tension meter is also very helpful in ensuring that the maximum allowable force has not been exceeded when a fiber optic cable is pulled into a conduit or raceway. Special lubricants can be used that are designed…
