From the course: Electrical Systems: Communications and Data

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Network architecture

Network architecture

- [Instructor] If communication systems can be thought of as roads or highways, network architecture is the map. In fact, it's often referred to as topology. Most networks are carefully designed around the needs and constraints of the user and environment. Like any problem, the solution is often found through a combination of techniques. Let's take a look at a few examples of common types of network architectures and understand the reasons why they are used. First, there's point to point. It's probably the most simple of architecture. This is a cable in between two pieces of equipment that transmit and receive information back and forth from each other. Daisy chain, or line; in this circumstance, each computer or piece of equipment has a transmit and receive capability that can be carried over the same wire or cable or media without the need for multiple cables for multiple pieces of equipment. It's similar to a series…
