From the course: Electrical Systems: Communications and Data

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Other wireless technologies

Other wireless technologies

- [Instructor] More and more people and things are becoming connected to the Internet and to each other. Networks are constantly growing and technology continues to introduce new ways to connect more things to it. Smart wiring devices, light switches and plugs, even sensors on building systems and automobiles, can send and receive information that is useful. All of these devices send and receive information using wireless signals. Some of the most common wireless signals are Wi-Fi. The term Wi-Fi refers to the standard way computers connect to wireless networks. (indistinct) Technology equipment such as cell phones, tablets, and computers, all have communication chips within them that convert the data language to a wireless signal. Wi-Fi operates at 2.4 gigahertz and 5.0 gigahertz. Wi-Fi is also unlicensed. This is a photo of a Wireless Access Point or WAP. Bluetooth. Bluetooth is a description of a short-range…
