From the course: Electrical Systems: Communications and Data

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Testing copper cables

Testing copper cables

- [Instructor] In this lesson, we will discuss why installers need to test and certify copper cables they have installed to make sure they are working correctly. Copper-based communication cables and conductors are designed to carry a lot of information at a very high speed. Particular design elements of the cable allow data to transfer quickly. However, if the cable is not installed correctly or these design elements are compromised, the transfer of the information could be slowed down or even stopped. There are many types of cable testers and cable testing manufacturers. We will look at a few of the most common types here. When you're investing in and relying on copper-based cables, such as Cat 6 UTP, you want to make sure that the cables are working as quickly and as efficiently as possible. The best way to do this is to use a cable tester designed to pass the maximum amount of information across the cable and record…
