From the course: Electrical Systems: Communications and Data

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The elements of a fiber-optic cable

The elements of a fiber-optic cable

- [Presenter] Now, let's look at what makes up fiber-optic strands and cables. The more you understand how they are made, the better you may understand how they work. Fibers trans that carry light are actually composed of two different layers of glass-light plastic. A core or centerpiece carries the actual light signal. And then there's no outer layer jacket that surrounds the core called the cladding. Cladding is much more reflective than the core. This way when the light is traveling down the core it stays in the core and doesn't escape. Core materials are commonly one of these three types. First, there's glass fiber optic cable. Glass fiber optic cable has the lowest attenuation. The glass used in a fiber optic cable is ultra pure, ultra transparent, silicon dioxide or fused quartz. During the glass fiber optic cable fabrication process, impurities are actually purposely added to the pure glass to obtain the desired level of…
