From the course: Electrical Systems: Communications and Data

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Types of fiber strands and cables

Types of fiber strands and cables

- [Instructor] The two most common types of fiber optic strands or cables are; single mode fiber and multimode fiber. The terms single mode and multimode refer to the manner in which light travels upon the optical strand. Single mode fiber passes the light straight through while multimode fiber allows the light to bounce around inside the core of the fiber but still ending up at the same place, the other end. Single-mode fibers are used primarily for medium to long distance applications. They can go up to and even past 50 miles. This type of fiber has the best light carrying characteristics tThat's why it's used for the longest runs. Multimode fiber is a little bit more specialized than single mode. The size of the core of the fiber determines the application of the fiber conductor. Because the light signal bounces around inside the fiber, it slows down, and this limits the usable length of multimode cable to about…
