From the course: Electrical Systems: Panel Boards, Frequency Drives, and Transformers

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Dry type distribution style transformers

Dry type distribution style transformers

One of the most common types of transformers that you would inside of a building is a dry-type transformer. It's called this because there are no liquids used in the transformer to cool it. Therefore, it is dry. These transformers have enough space around the coil and core to allow heat to dissipate effectively and not cause the transformer to overheat when it is in use. Most dry-type transformers have outer metal enclosures so that the energized portions do not come in contact with people or other equipment. These transformers can be mounted on the floor or hung from the ceiling, and even installed outdoors. They may have one set of coils because there is only one electrical circuit, also known as single-phase, or there may be three sets coils, which is common in a three-phase distribution transformer. Usually, dry-type transformers are used for large electrically loads within a buildings distribution system.
