From the course: Ethical Hacking: Cryptography

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Common asymmetric algorithms

Common asymmetric algorithms

- [Instructor] There are five common asymmetric algorithms: Diffie-Hellman, El Gamal, DSA, ECC, and RSA. If you recall from our earlier review, these five can be further categorized as operating as discrete logs or factorization. Let's look at each algorithm to better understand their properties and differentiators. Diffie-Hellman was introduced in 1976 as the first asymmetric algorithm. The most important concept to remember about Diffie-Hellman is that it provides the ability to exchange keys over the insecure internet. We saw a demonstration of how this works with a review of in-band key exchange earlier. Diffie-Hellman's Key exchange goals is to securely establish a channel to create and share a key for symmetric key algorithms. You have a secure key agreement without pre-shared keys. That map behind the scenes is based on discrete logarithms over a finite field. It's extremely useful for applications such as SSL, TLS, and IPSec. SSL and TLS are excellent examples of what we call…
