From the course: Ethical Hacking: Cryptography

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Examine a x.509 digital certificate

Examine a x.509 digital certificate

From the course: Ethical Hacking: Cryptography

Examine a x.509 digital certificate

- [Instructor] Let's build on that knowledge further. The premise of what we've been talking about is how do we move from the familiar insecure protocols such as HTTP, to more secure protocols such as HTTPS? Again, let's consider how you securely got to this LinkedIn site to begin with. I'm here in the browser on my LinkedIn page. To check to see if I'm using the highest level of security, I will double-click on the URL bar to fully expose my internet address. As you can see, I'm already leveraging HTTPS encryption. If not, I could easily add the S at the end of the HTTP and force a reload of my page to do so. Most websites these days are configured to automatically use HTTPS connections, even if you don't ask for it. This protocol simply adds a secret twist to web browsing, which redirects you to the secure version of the same site. That secret twist is the infamous TLS process. Let's go deeper since we are already here. Depending on your browser selection, you can now click on this…
