From the course: Ethical Hacking: Cryptography

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Linking cryptography to cybersecurity

Linking cryptography to cybersecurity

From the course: Ethical Hacking: Cryptography

Linking cryptography to cybersecurity

- [Narrator] We must understand how cryptography links directly to cybersecurity so that we can fully grasp its benefits. There are three key areas we'll focus on throughout this course. Encryption, hashing, and how to send secure messages or communications such as email or across a server via a website. There are different algorithms or protocols behind the scenes in each, for example, 3DES, AES 256, RC6, MD5, SHA-1, PGP, TLS/SSL, and HTTPS. Yes, I get it. It all sounds like jargon, but trust me, you already used several of these components to get to this course link today. Combine these areas form essential parts of an information security plan for a company of any size, large or small. Keep in mind that the goal is to understand how to send secure communication in the presence of adversarial or hostile behavior from potential bad actors. There are three key pillars of cybersecurity known as the CIA Triad. CIA stands for confidentiality, integrity, and availability. By…
