From the course: Ethical Hacking: Introduction to Ethical Hacking

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Stepping through the hacking phases

Stepping through the hacking phases

- [Tutor] An ethical hacking exercise typically goes through five phases. In this segment, we'll review the main phases and what happens during each phase. Effectively hacking into a system, is achieved by a plan structured approach. Typically, there are five phases, reconnaissance, scanning, gaining access, maintaining access, and covering tracks. So let's go through each phase starting with reconnaissance. The reconnaissance phase is about obtaining as much information about the target as possible. The key is to narrow the scope by answering the following questions before we start. Who is the target? What is it we want once we get in? Where is the target located? When do we attack, and how should we attack? Scanning generally follows the reconnaissance phase. Once enough information is available to understand how the organization operates, and what data or services might be of value. The process of scanning the…
