From the course: Ethics in the Age of Generative AI

Communicating effectively organizationally and globally

From the course: Ethics in the Age of Generative AI

Communicating effectively organizationally and globally

- In this course, we've talked about the decisions you will make as a leader in defining responsible AI practice and the roles of those around you in firms and organizations. But as we speed into the transformation the generative AI reflects, we know these products will touch every person on the planet, and it's important for us to consider the interests of various stakeholders. I use a convenient acronym called ethics to remind myself of the specific responsibilities of each stakeholder group. Using this mnemonic can help ensure that you're fulfilling your responsibilities to core AI action and including stakeholders across the globe. The ethics framework outlines six key stakeholder responsibilities for responsible AI. First, E for executives and board members. Top management has a responsibility to establish ethical AI cultures across organizations. This includes setting ethical guidelines and standards, ensuring that ethical considerations are integrated into decision-making processes, and allocating resources for ethical AI deployment and development. The T in ethics, technologists, engineers and developers who have a responsibility to design and develop products that are transparent, explainable, and accountable, avoiding bias in data and algorithms, ensuring that systems are secure and safe, and developing AI systems that are compatible with existing ethical frameworks. H, human rights advocates. Human rights advocates have a responsibility to ensure that the systems that technologists build respect human rights and dignity. This includes monitoring how AI systems are being used by vulnerable groups, identifying potential human rights violations, and advocating for the ethical use of AI. Is for industry experts. Industry experts have a responsibility to share their knowledge and expertise on the ethical implications of AI. This might include providing guidance on developing tools, identifying potential risks, and collaborating with other stakeholders to address ethical concerns. C, customers and users. Customers and users have a responsibility to provide feedback and insights. This could include communicating concerns, feedback to relevant stakeholders, participating in user-testing and feedback sessions, and staying informed about the ethical implications of AI. And finally, S for society at large. Let's acknowledge that this is a shared journey that all stakeholders have a responsibility to consider how these tools are changing the ways that we interact as humanity. This includes identifying and mitigating potential risks, promoting and advocating for transparency and accountability, and making sure that AI is used in a way that benefits society broadly. It's vitally important to coordinate these different stakeholders to create new spaces and forums for groups to come together. It's not enough to have each stakeholder playing their part. We have to coordinate across different stakeholder groups. Everybody needs to know what the others are doing and that means, we need to create new forums and new participatory mechanisms to make sure that stakeholders are working together to maintain ethical AI. Here's a few suggestions of what you might be able to do to promote the ethics framework. You could establish new mechanisms of clear communication between the stakeholders in your work, your customers, your executives, and your technology teams. You could develop training programs to educate employees and stakeholders about ethical considerations in AI. You could advocate to create a cross-functional team within your organization, or even a cross-organizations within an industry, bringing folks together from different departments to develop and implement guidelines and standards. You might consider developing a system for collecting and addressing user-feedback particularly around concerns and risks about AI systems. And you might consider engaging formally and informally with external stakeholders, human rights advocates, industry experts in civil society to ensure that we're considering the broadest possible implications of AI. We're at a moment in time where building products feels like the most important way to explore what generative AI can do for humanity. And yet, if we build products without also asking how those products will be used, what needs they serve, and how they'll impact vulnerable people, we miss an opportunity to use AI to make humanity better. The ethics framework gives us a way to encourage and involve stakeholders from across society, to make sure that as we build products, we're also building an AI ecosystem for the future of humanity.
