From the course: Excel Business Intelligence: Power Pivot, DAX and Data Modeling
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Basic date and time functions - Microsoft Excel Tutorial
From the course: Excel Business Intelligence: Power Pivot, DAX and Data Modeling
Basic date and time functions
All right. Next up, we've got basic date and time functions. I'm going to kind of breeze through these because all of these should look very familiar. Most are pretty much identical to their Excel formula counterparts. And we've covered a lot of these in the Power Query section of the course, anyway. So just to cover quickly, you've got your component metrics like DAY, MONTH, YEAR. Syntax-wise, you just point it to a column containing a date. Then you have your time-specific versions of those, your HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND. Same deal. You just point it to a column containing a datetime specific value. Of course, you've got TODAY and NOW, the two volatile functions. Those return the current date or the exact time, respectively. And syntax-wise, there really is no component to those formulas. It's as simple as open and closed parentheses. And then WEEKDAY/WEEKNUM. These will give you a weekday number by default starting on Sundays or the week number of the year. And in this case, you've…
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Introduction to DAX functions27s
DAX formula syntax and operators4m 5s
Common DAX function categories3m 54s
Basic math and stats functions12m 45s
Logical functions (IF, AND, and OR)16m 49s
Switch and Switch (TRUE)10m 33s
Text functions10m 53s
The CALCULATE function14m 39s
Add filter context with FILTER: Part 19m 20s
Add filter context with FILTER: Part 214m 23s
Remove filter context with ALL9m 6s
Join data with RELATED3m 39s
Iterator ("X") functions: SUMX12m 20s
Iterator ("X") functions: RANKX5m 33s
Basic date and time functions4m 58s
Time intelligence formulas17m 2s
Speed and performance considerations3m 3s
DAX best practices2m 3s
Final section53s
Data visualization options4m 24s
Wrapping up47s