From the course: Excel Business Intelligence: Power Pivot, DAX and Data Modeling

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Date-specific query editing tools

Date-specific query editing tools

Let's take a minute and talk about date-specific tools. Now, in the Add Column tab of the query editor, if you've selected a field with a timestamp or a date value, you'll see some of these Date and Time options. Now, for the most part, these tools are very easy to use, very user-friendly, but there are some interesting ones. For instance, age, automatically calculates the difference between the date in each row and the current time based on the Today or Now function. Another interesting one, Date Only. If you have fields that include a timestamp and you really just want daily level data, that Date Only function will essentially just strip the time component out of that column. Then you've got your basic ones like year, month, quarter, week, and day. And these all work in a very, very similar straightforward way. They just extract individual components from a date field. And then in our case, at least, put them onto their own columns. And if you are working with a field that does have…
