From the course: Excel Business Intelligence: Power Pivot, DAX and Data Modeling

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Options for loading data in Excel

Options for loading data in Excel

Okay. The last thing I want to cover before we get hands-on with some Power Query tools are the data loading options, because these are very, very important. Now, when you've connected to a source, you've applied whatever steps and transformations you'd like in the query editor, your next step is to actually load that data from Power Query into Excel. And you've got two options, you can load or load to. If you press "Load", by default, Excel is going to try to dump that table and that data into a sheet, which is okay if you're dealing with very small data sets. But for the purposes of this course, we don't want to go that route. So you've got a few options here. The first set of options is table versus connection only. So, again, the table is going to store that data into a new or an existing worksheet. And because you're dealing with a worksheet, you're also dealing with the size limitations of a worksheet, just about a million rows. Connection only on the other hand, which we're…
