From the course: Excel: Filtering Data for Beginners
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Shortcut keys for filtering - Microsoft Excel Tutorial
From the course: Excel: Filtering Data for Beginners
Shortcut keys for filtering
- [Instructor] Let's go over something fun, and that's keyboard shortcuts for filters. First off, if you want to make a table of your Excel data, you just click anywhere in the data and then press CTRL + T. That will bring up the Create Table dialogue box, and then you can press Enter and that will create your table. Now, you see you've got filter boxes by default when you create a table, and that's handy. But let's say someone turned them off by unchecking this option. If you wanted them back on, just press Control + Shift + L and do it twice and you can bring them back. If you move your cursor and select a cell with a filter button, you can open that filter button by pressing Alt + Down Arrow, and then you can press the Down Arrow until you get to the item you want to select. And let's say you want to only show Company C's sales. To unselect select all, you press the Spacebar after you arrow to it, and then you press the arrow button down again until you reach Company C, press Space…
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