From the course: Excel: Learning VBA
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Challenge: Define variables, constants, and calculations - Microsoft Excel Tutorial
From the course: Excel: Learning VBA
Challenge: Define variables, constants, and calculations
(light electronic music) - [Instructor] Now that we've reached the end of the chapter, I wanted to give you a challenge so that you can test the skills that you learned. And I'm looking at defining variables, constants, and calculations. So here is the challenge. I want you to: declare variables and use them in procedures, create calculations using built-in operators, declare and move through a five-item array, and finally, declare and use an object variable. There will be three steps. The first is I'll ask you to prepare. Read the comments in each code module to learn about the challenge. Then create. Add to or edit the existing code to create a solution that meets the challenge. And finally, test your solution. Run your code to make sure it works as expected. I'll switch over to Excel now to show you the sample file that you will use. The file I would like you to work with is 02_09_Challenge, and you can find…
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Introduce Excel VBA data types4m 5s
Declare variables and require declaration before use5m 27s
Manage variable scope3m 50s
Define static variables and constants5m 42s
Create a calculation using mathematical operators5m 10s
Define arrays7m 10s
Define and use object variables3m 3s
Streamline code references using With…End With statements4m 40s
Challenge: Define variables, constants, and calculations2m 5s
Solution: Define variables, constants, and calculations3m 13s