From the course: Excel: Learning VBA
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Examine the Excel object model - Microsoft Excel Tutorial
From the course: Excel: Learning VBA
Examine the Excel object model
- [Instructor] Objects-oriented programming languages, such as visual basic for applications, let you create and manipulate objects using the properties, methods, and event they contain. Excel is a huge program with thousands of objects. But the program team defined every element of Excel , from the application Excel to the individual cells, as objects you can manipulate using VBA commands. Taken as a whole, those definitions are called the Excel object model. You can read all about the Excel object model in a book, or online, but it's far better to look at it in Excel. So, that is one of the purposes of this course. I will hit the high points in this movie, and then go into more detail later. We'll start with the application object, and this is the top-level for an instance of Excel. You can have multiple instances of Excel open at the same time, but most of the time you'll just have one. So, what are some of the properties…
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Introduce object-oriented programming3m 2s
Examine the Excel object model4m 14s
Work in the Visual Basic Editor6m 27s
Set VBA project properties4m 28s
Create, export, and delete code modules5m 54s
Create a subroutine3m 28s
Create a function5m 2s
Add comments to your code4m 47s
Run a VBA procedure5m 20s
Add code to a recorded macro3m 48s