From the course: Excel: Learning VBA
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Refer to cells using the OFFSET property - Microsoft Excel Tutorial
From the course: Excel: Learning VBA
Refer to cells using the OFFSET property
- [Instructor] When you create an Excel workbook, you should give it consistent structure so you know where each data point appears in relation to the others. A consistent structure means you can use the distance from one cell to another, called the offset, to refer to cells in For Next and other loops. In this movie, I will show you how to use the offset property to collect data from a suggestion form. My sample file is "05_04_Offset", and you can find it in the Chapter 5 folder of the Exercise Files collection. This workbook has two worksheets and you can see on Sheet 1, I have a suggestion box and there's room for a name, an email, and then the suggestion. This data will be written to Sheet 2. And you can see that I already have data that has been collected. So I have two rows with suggestions that have already come in. So the goal will be to fill out the suggestion box and then take its data, find the first…
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Write a value to a cell4m 29s
Cut, copy, and paste cell data6m 51s
Find values in cells5m 7s
Refer to cells using the OFFSET property5m 1s
Concatenate text strings4m 4s
Return part of a string6m 15s
Manage worksheets with VBA8m 30s
Manage workbooks with VBA6m 41s
Challenge: Manage workbook elements and data in VBA2m 53s
Solution: Manage workbook elements and data in VBA3m 8s