From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

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Using the new Checkbox button on the Insert tab

Using the new Checkbox button on the Insert tab - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel Tips Weekly

Using the new Checkbox button on the Insert tab

- [Instructor] Excel has a relatively new feature called a checkbox. Now in one sense, it's not new. There long has existed a checkbox feature available by way of the Developer tab, which I currently do not have visible up in the ribbon menu system. Those old check marks, as we see them, occur over in column A in this worksheet and they have sort of an old look compared with the newer version we're about to show you as we see them in column B. The old ones, without going into too much detail, involve setting up a format control and linking information to cells. It's much simpler and easier to use with the new checkbox feature. It's found on the Insert tab. I'm going to put one in cell F2 just for starters. Clicking on cell F2, click Checkbox, there it is. I can check it or uncheck it, or I could use the spacebar. If I want it to have some color, I'll go to the Home tab, change the font color. When we see the…
