From the course: Executive Presence: Tips for Women

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Keys to thinking quickly

Keys to thinking quickly

- Do you ever freeze under pressure, or panic when you're called on in a meeting? Sometimes when I'm in meetings I avoid eye contact with the leader because I don't want to be called on. I bet you've been in that same situation. Most of us like to be prepared for tough questions, at least a little bit. But let's do a quick thought experiment. Think about someone you know who has great executive presence. This person probably doesn't get ruffled. They can most likely think quickly when they're put on the spot. And they're still confident when they're not prepared. Am I right? A lot of the credibility we associate with leaders boils down to their ability to think quickly in the moment, articulate their thoughts, and remain calm, even when they lack preparation. Be here's a tip: this is not a top-secret skill. It's learnable and you can answer the most difficult questions with poise and confidence even when you're…
