From the course: Exploring Tor and the Dark Web

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Attacks against Tor

Attacks against Tor

- [Instructor] We've already discussed the fact that while Tor provides a valuable tool for privacy and anonymity of internet traffic, it is not invincible. We talked about how users still must take precautions to protect their communications because sophisticated adversaries may be able to exploit vulnerabilities to undermine the security of communications sent over the Tor network. In the next few videos, we'll dig into a few examples of how these attacks work. The attacks we'll be discussing are all real world exploits against Tor that were developed and used by the US National Security Agency and the UK Government Communications Headquarters. While these intelligence agencies normally keep their tools and techniques secret, the release of Government Secrets by Edward Snowden brought some of them into the public spotlight. One of the documents included in Snowden's release was this PowerPoint presentation entitled Tor Stink. Created in 2012, this presentation includes details on a…
