From the course: Exploring Tor and the Dark Web

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Circuit reconstruction

Circuit reconstruction

- [Instructor] The attacks that we've discussed so far all depend upon eavesdropping on user activity entering or leaving the Tor network. They assume that the inner core of the Tor network is well-designed and impenetrable. While Tor may be well-designed, that doesn't mean that it's not possible to reach inside that secure core. Remember, the identities of nodes on the Tor network are anonymous. We don't know who's running them. The nodes you are using might be run by a hobbyist, a nonprofit focused on electronic privacy, or the IT person at a company with some extra servers. They also might be run by an intelligence agency. Anyone can set up a Tor node and begin accepting traffic. The good news is that the Tor network is designed to be resilient against any one of these node operators attempting to eavesdrop on Tor traffic. That's the beauty of perfect forward secrecy at work. A node handling a Tor connection only knows the identity of the node it receives traffic from and the node…
