From the course: Express Essentials: Build Powerful Web Apps with Node.js

Generate server-side code with Express

- [Jamie] One of the most popular application frameworks for Node.js is Express. Both Node.js and Express use JavaScript, making it incredibly appealing for more front-end tailored engineers, to learn how to handle APIs, and other backend functionality of their web applications. As you've learned to master JavaScript, and create client side code, perhaps you've wanted to learn the other side of the application, and learn more about how things on the server side work. Express is a great framework to generate server side code for your application. This course was created to help you get up and running with Express. Perhaps you've been curious about creating end points for your applications, and weren't sure how to get started. In this course, we will cover everything from installation of Express, creating a server, and the various routing knowledge needed to generate server side code. Hi, I'm Jamie Pittman and I'm a front-end software engineer. Join me and learn more about the essentials of Express.
