From the course: Express Essentials: Build Powerful Web Apps with Node.js

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What are common methods for Express routing?

What are common methods for Express routing?

- [Instructor] When creating routes with Express, we will use various methods to handle the response and provide feedback to the client. Response methods are the methods on the response object that are responsible for transmitting information to the client, if we don't handle the responses, or do so incorrectly, then the necessary information will not make it from the server to the client. In this video, we are going to discuss some useful response methods and how to use them in your projects. The Express documentation has a full list of response methods that you can incorporate into your projects but, for the sake of this course, we're only going to focus on a few of them to help get you started. Some of these should look familiar to you as we have been using the JSON method and the send method at various points in our project thus far. The JSON method simply sends the JSON response. Right now, we're using this at the…
