From the course: Fighting Gender Bias in the Workplace

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Redefine success in confronting bias

Redefine success in confronting bias

- While your word choices may reflect in biases and intentional use of words can help you block them. Here's a couple of strategies to help you confront bias. First, instead of defining success using masculine standards, try broadening your definitions of success to include collective values. For example, while you may look for assertive, driven leaders, consider that you also want good listeners and people who bring out the best in others. If you combine those into assertive, driven leaders who are good listeners and bring out the best in others, you are more likely to make room for a wider variety of people to show up as successful. Let's try combining a few commonly used words in job descriptions, caring and driven, assertive and supportive, thoughtful and risk-taking. Can you think of other words that might be combined? You may find that the simple act of combining collective and agentic words make your brain slow down…
