From the course: Freelancing and Consulting in User Experience

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Personal branding

Personal branding

- When you work at a company, you're aware of the company's branding, the meaning of the name, the representation, and the differentiation from other companies. To some degree, you sit in the shadow of that brand. As long as you stay at the company, that's fine. But as a freelancer, you really only have one brand that matters, you. Just like that company, you have to be a brand. Whether you give your own business a fancy name or not, you are the freelancer who represents a certain special UX skillset. You need to work on your brand all the time and I mean all the time. You need to work on it by connecting with other UXers. You need to work on it through social media, articles you write and talks that you give. The thought of doing all this to promote yourself has to be exciting. It has to sound like an adventure. While this can naturally fill your time when work gets light, you're going to have to also commit to branding activities when work is busy so that it stays busy and you may…
