From the course: GarageBand for Mac Essential Training

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Add loops to your project and customize them

Add loops to your project and customize them - GarageBand Tutorial

From the course: GarageBand for Mac Essential Training

Add loops to your project and customize them

- All right now, let's start building our song using loops. Now, I think in most situations you'll be using loops to add to a song in which you'll also be playing an instrument or singing. But it is also quite possible to build a song entirely from prerecorded loops, which is what we'll be doing here. So first let's create a new empty project. Choose softer instrument since we have to select something. And I'll close the musical typing window. Now as a general rule, most recording artists start the process by recording the songs rhythm tracks first. And most pop or rock recordings it usually goes drums, followed by bass, then guitars, then lead guitars and then vocals. Of course, it's totally up to you to decide the order in which you create your song. But I'm going to start by looking for a drum track. Now you can start this process with the rhythmic field for your song already in mind. Or you may just prefer to listen to…
