From the course: GarageBand for Mac Essential Training

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Add tracks

Add tracks

- [Instructor] Okay, previously we created a new project from the empty project template and in doing so we created the song with a single track this classic electric piano track. With the exception of working with GarageBand built in loops. Anytime you went to add an instrument or sound to your recording, you have to first create a new track to hold the sound you're recording or bringing in. And you can create a new track either by choosing track, new track. You can hit option command and on your keyboard. Or you can click the new track button up here. When the new track dialog box opens, you have to decide whether this is going to be a software instrument track. One of two types of audio or real instrument tracks or a drummer track. Software instrument tracks are for recording sounds from a middy source. We'll be getting to this a lot more later but software instruments are virtual instruments where you record not…
