From the course: GarageBand for Mac Essential Training

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Archive your project

Archive your project

- [Instructor] After you've been working with GarageBand for a while you'll most likely have a large collection of project files stored on your computer. Now, your GarageBand project file contains everything that has to do with your project. Unlike some other audio editing applications you might've worked with where you have a project file along with a folder containing related audio files to go along with your project. Every GarageBand project file is self-contained. That means it's very easy to copy your project to other drives, computers, or locations. You just need to copy the single file and you instantly have everything you need to open it in another copy of GarageBand. So for example, all of the GarageBand files in this exercise files folder for this course are self-contained project files that you can copy to any other Mac to open and use. And this may seem obvious but so many other audio editing applications out…
