From the course: GarageBand for Mac Essential Training

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Automate volume and panning

Automate volume and panning

- As you're probably beginning to understand, a large part of mixing your project involves finding the right level for each track by adjusting the volume faders. But you're not always going to want to have certain tracks be the exact same level throughout the entire song or project. There may be tracks where the sound level is uneven in certain places, where it gets too loud or too quiet, or maybe you want to bring up an instrument for a solo and then take it back down to its original level. GarageBand includes a powerful automation system that lets you specify exactly when you want a fader to move, how far it moves, and how long it stays there. It's not just volume levels that can be automated. You can also automate things like track panning as well as smart control settings. Let's use the rhythm guitar track for this example. I'll solo it, and let's listen to a couple seconds. (guitar track plays) At the verse, that guitar…
