From the course: GarageBand for Mac Essential Training

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Change loop settings

Change loop settings

- [Instructor] Each loop in GarageBand, whether they're software instrument loops or real instrument loops has a certain group of settings apply to it that give it its sound. software instrument loops contain info about the loop notes, the order in which they're played, how hard or soft they're played, how long they're held, and so on. Real instrument loops contain the actual sound recordings of the instrument being played. We'll be taking a much closer look at how to change the settings of the two types of instruments when we get to the chapters on software and real instruments. But in this movie, I wanted to show you what some of your options are when working with loops. Let's start by taking a look at this guitar that we put down earlier. I'm going to solo that. And we'll listen to it. (upbeat guitar music) So maybe I really like the part in the pattern, but I'm not sold on the actual sound of the guitar. Now…
