From the course: GarageBand for Mac Essential Training

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Continue your journey in audio recording

Continue your journey in audio recording - GarageBand Tutorial

From the course: GarageBand for Mac Essential Training

Continue your journey in audio recording

- [Garrick] And there you have it. If you made it through all these movies, you should now be able to open Garage Band and get right to work performing, editing, and mixing your own projects. It's just going to take some practice and experimentation to figure out which techniques and workflows work best for you. For a much deeper dive into some of the topics we touched on in this course, be sure to check out our Foundations of Audio series, as well as the courses called Audio Mixing Bootcamp and Audio Recording Techniques. And that brings us to the end. I'm Garrick Chow, and until next time, have fun playing, recording, and editing with Garage Band on your Mac.
